Friday, December 19, 2008

Build a Digital Photo Display

Hi Everyone,

Here is my latest project, building a digital picture display. It's really just an LCD screen hooked up to a tiny PC running linux. But the cool thing is that this PC has VESA compliant mounting holes that allow you to screw it right to the back of your screen as a single unit.

Note that if you are in Canada and order from the links below, shipping is outrageous. Probably because of duty, since the product is made in the east Asia. I had to have it shipped to a friend's place in Buffalo, NY, and then drove down to pick it up.

I have not mounted the assembly into a picture frame, but I might in the future as it would be pretty easy.

Here is what you will need to put this together:

  1. eBOX-2300 200MHz VESA PC or eBOX-4300 500MHz VESA PC

  2. An LCD screen, mounting holes it the back must be 100 mm apart (17 inch screens and up, usually)

  3. A compact flash (CF) card 256 MiB or greater (the install alone is 156 MB, your pictures will take up the rest of the space). I recommend using a SanDisk brand. I went for a cheap brand and it had problems booting off the card later. The SanDisk card worked very well.

For the setup, you will require the following:
  1. A desktop or laptop PC with a CD burner and the ability to boot from CD

  2. A blank CD-R or CD-RW

  3. A download of the latest Puppy Linux iso (use bittorrent to download it to save them bandwidth, and to get the highest download speed)

  4. A copy of GQView for Puppy Linux

  5. A USB mouse

  6. A PS/2 keyboard (a USB keyboard will work, but you won't be able to access the bios settings because the USB ports are not activated in time)

  7. A flashcard reader

Step 1 - Preparing the Compact Flash Card

  1. First burn the Puppy Linux iso to the CD.

  2. Connect the flashcard reader and insert the Compact Flash card.

  3. Create a "Pictures" folder and an "Install" folder on the Compact Flash card.

  4. Download GQView for Puppy Linux and save it to the "Install" directory on the card.

  5. Now reboot the computer, and start the BIOS configuration.

  6. Configure the BIOS to boot up off the CD (consult your motherboard's manual to find out how), save the configuration and reboot again.

  7. If all goes well, you should see a screenful of pink text. Don't do anything, the whole process continue until you are prompted to select your keyboard.

  8. Then you will be prompted to select a video display setup. Select XOrg.

  9. When you are prompted to select a resolution, consult the monitor's manual and select its native resolution. The ebox PC's have a maximum resolution that they support, so take that into consideration as well.

Step 2 - Install Puppy Linux to a Flash Drive

  1. Connect the USB card reader to the computer and insert the CF card.

  2. Go to Menu (bottom left corner) > Setup > Universal Installer

  3. Select 'USB Flash Drive' in the window that pops up and click OK.

  4. In the next window select the 'Generic USB CF Reader', if you don't see this, use the drive that shows a disk size (see example screenshot). The drive name will show as sdX, where X is another lowercase letter, make note of it. Click OK.

  5. Now select 'Install Puppy to sdX1' (the little dog icon near the top of the window and click OK.

  6. An install verification check will pop up, click OK.

  7. You will be asked where the files are, click CD.

  8. It will ask you to insert the CD, but it will already be installed so click OK. If you have multiple disk drives, you may be prompted to insert the disk again. Switch the CD to another drive and click OK.

  9. You will be asked about the Master Boot Record (MBR) just select 'default DO NOTHING' and click OK.

  10. On the following screen, select 'default JUST KEEP GOING' and click OK.

  11. You will then be presented with a final sanity check in an orange screen. Just press the ENTER key.

  12. You will then be asked if you want to wipe all files, just press ENTER to say NO, do not press any other key.

  13. You will be asked if you want to add the 'pfix=copy' boot parameter. Just hit enter for NO.

  14. Then wait until the installer is finished. The CD will eject. Remove the CD, close the drive, and reboot by going to Menu > Shutdown > Reboot computer.

  15. When prompted to save to file, select NO, we will revisit this later.

  16. On reboot, the computer should boot puppy linux off of the CF drive. If it doesn't, you may need to tweak your compact flash card.

  17. Select the keyboard as before. This time, select Xvesa from the video Wizard, it will look crappy, but will work better with the ebox PC later.

  18. On the desktop, select 800 x 600 x 24 for the video mode and click OK.

  19. Now reboot again as in Step 14.

  20. As it reboots, you will be prompted to create a pup_save.2fs file. Select save. This file saves all the changes we have made including installed files and setting changes. I wouldn't bother creating a customized name, just save using the default one.

  21. When asked about encryption, use Normal, which is no encryption. Encryption adds extra work to the boot up time, which is not needed.

  22. When asked for the size of the pup_save.2fs file, select 64 MiB if you are using a CF card less than 1 GiB, use 128 MiB if it is over 1 GiB.

  23. Then click Save and the reboot will complete. You won't be prompted for keyboard/mouse/screen settings as they have been saved in the pup_save file on the card.

Step 3 - Install and configure slideshow software

  1. Now when working with desktop icons, a single click will launch them, double clicking will start two copies of the program so click slowly.

  2. Click on the USB icon at the bottom of the screen, it will have a yellow or green dot on it.

  3. Now click on the 'Install' folder, this is where we saved GQview before we started.

  4. Click on the file.

  5. On the install verification screen click the INSTALL PACKAGE button.

  6. The success screen requests you restart the window manager. This is so the program will show up in the program list.

  7. Click Menu > Shutdown > Restart JWM

  8. Now launch GQview, go to Menu > Graphic > GQview image viewer

  9. GQview will launch. Now on the menubar click on Edit > Preferences.

  10. Under the STARTUP heading place a check in the box Change to folder and type /mnt/home/Pictures in the box below it.

  11. At the bottom under SLIDE SHOW, adjust the display time of each picture. At the default 15 seconds, you will run through 40 pictures in 10 minutes.

  12. Place a check in the box next to REPEAT, this will cause the slideshow to start over again after the last picture. If you want to randomize the pictures, check the RANDOM box.

  13. Now click on the IMAGE tab.

  14. Under ZOOM, leave the QUALITY at Bilinear. Make sure TWO PASS ZOOMING and ALLOW ENLARGEMENT OF IMAGE FOR ZOOM TO FIT are checked.

  15. Under WHEN NEW IMAGE IS SELECTED, click on Fit image to window.

  16. Under APPEARANCE, make sure Black Background is checked.

  17. Under CONVENIENCE, make sure Refresh on file change and Preload next image are checked. The Auto rotate option is only needed if you have images that are wide that should be displayed tall, I have not tried this option so I am not sure as to its accuracy.

  18. Now click on the ADVANCED tab.

  19. Under FULL SCREEN, in the Location drop down menu, select Active screen. I am not sure how important this is since we will be using only one screen.

  20. Check Stay above other windows and Smooth image flip.

  21. Then check Disable screen saver, and click on OK at the bottom of the window.
  22. Exit GQview by clicking on the X in the top right corner.

Step 4 - Prepare the desktop for optimal slideshow performance

  1. At the top of the Desktop, click on the icon labelled edit.

  2. Click on the OPEN icon, and an OPEN FILE window will appear.

  3. In the bottom left corner type /root/.jwmrc and click OPEN.

  4. Scroll down near the bottom of the document until you see <startupcommand> and </startupcommand>. Any command entered between these two tags will be launched at when the computer starts up.

  5. Put the cursor to the right of <startupcommand> and hit enter to create a line between them and type gqview -f -s

  6. Now click on the SAVE icon and then the CLOSE icon.

  7. Now close the edit program.

  8. Now go to Menu > Desktop > pupX set properties of X

  9. Go to the Screensaver tab and uncheck Enable screen saver. Then click OK.

  10. Now go to Menu > Desktop > JWM Configuration and click on the button beside Tray management.

  11. Now click on the Virtual Desktops button.

  12. Change the number of desktops to 1. Then click on OK and then OK on the next window.

  13. Back on the Tray Configuration Options window click on the button for Tray Autohide Option.

  14. Turn on Autohide, then click OK and OK on the next window.

  15. Now click OK on the Tray Configuration Options.

  16. On the original JWM Configuration Manager window, there is a green button to restart the window manager, click it. Then exit.

  17. Go to Menu > Setup > Mouse/Keyboard Wizard

  18. Click on Choose type of mouse.

  19. Select USB mouse and check Auto-hide mouse cursor when not moving and click OK. Close the original Mouse/Keyboard Wizard window as well.

  20. Now before we shutdown and transfer the CF card to the eBox pc, we have to change one item so the OS thinks it is booting up on and IDE drive.

  21. Click on the edit icon again on the desktop. Click on OPEN.

  22. In the box to the bottom right type /mnt/home/syslinux.cfg

  23. Change pmedia=usbflash to pmedia=ide. Then click SAVE and then CLOSE, then close the window.

  24. Shutdown by going to Menu > Shutdown > Power-off computer.

Step 5 - Assemble the display

Assembly is easy, the ebox PC will have come with proper screws that will fit through the PC case an attach to the mounting holes on the back of the screen. While you can mount it in any direction, it is less stressful on the cables if the box is mounted with the CF drive facing up. This way the cables hang straight down. (see the pics below).

Don't forget to copy pictures to the Pictures folder on the card.

Now attach the PC power cable, the display power cable, and connect the video cable to both the PC and the display. Remember to flip the power switch on the back of the PC before pressing the power button on the front. If you did everything correctly, you should be seeing a slideshow of your pictures when the PC boots up.

Since I used the 2300 model, I wasn't able to add background music because the PC is not powerful enough. The 4300 model is a much more powerful model and should be able to handle pics, music, and video. Other media players can be started at boot time by adding the correct command line arguements between <StartupCommand></StartupCommand>, each on its own seperate line, of course.

"bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong"

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Create Your Own Medical USB Key

The Medic Alert bracelet is a life saving device. It gives paramedics life saving information when they need it the most... when you are unable to communicate it to them in person.

Once you are at the hospital, if you're still unconscious, who will communicate who to contact? Who your doctor is? Your insurance information? A Medic Alert Bracelet is too small to communicate all that information.

Here is where the Medical USB drive shines. It gives the hospital as much information as you wish to give them, at a time when you are stabilized and your caregivers can deal with more information.
I have seen these products on the internet for as much as $60. While they provide you with a nice layout, a more basic version can be had for much less... free.

Just download this file, and unzip it directly to an unused USB key. You can now find a use for that old, 32 MiB USB drive, since the total size of the files is less that 300 KiB. Just make sure it still works, you don't want it to fail on you in your time of need.

Now edit the file medical_info.txt, to include any information you want the medical team to have. Don't skimp, there's lots of space, since it is a simple text file.

Don't change the name of the file, or the executable will not work.

When the USB Drive is plugged it, Windows 2000 will auto-launch a pop up window with all of the contents of medical_info.txt with the option to print it to the default printer.

Windows XP and Vista, will pop up a window asking what to do with the drive. The executable file will present itself with a medical inisgnia, right at the top of the list.

You may also want to give it a distinctive colour scheme so that it is obvious to the paramedics that it has important info on it. Also, you should wear it on your neck, not bury it in a purse or jacket pocket. After all, your Medic Alert bracelet is on you 24-7.

¸.•* *•.¸.•* *•.¸.•* *•.¸.•* *•.¸.•* *•.¸.•* *•.¸.•* *•

Remember, this does not replace a Medic Alert bracelet!

The Medical USB drive is a compliment to it!

The EMTs do *not* have time to read a USB drive when

they arrive on site!

*•.¸ ¸.•*•.¸ ¸.•*•.¸ ¸.•*•.¸ ¸.•*•.¸ ¸.•*•.¸ ¸.•*•.¸ ¸.

The origial version of this file used Notepad to open the text file, but thanks to Daily Cup of Tech, I was able to refine the whole design into something alot more sleeker.

Update (2008-11-11): Thanks to Jim, who posted a comment for a fixed size window with scroll bars, I have updated the executable. It now opens a 600 x 500 window with vertical or horizontal scrollbars if your text is too wide or too long. This prevents the window from overtaking the screen. If you have already downloaded the file, just download the file again for the new version.

"bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong"

Monday, October 20, 2008

Announcing the Debut of Tech Talk on RadioFreeG

Hello everyone,

Just announcing a new internet radio segment that I am working on.

I have been approached by RadioFreeG, himself to produce short tech themed segment on his show to discuss relevent issues or helpful information.

The first episode is available here. In it, I expose how Apple gives iPhone application developers the shaft after they pay Apple to be a developer, and spend weeks and months of their own time to develop an application, only to find they are not allowed to compete with Apple's application.

I also discuss how Google's Android phone OS will trump the iPhone and all of its bullshit.

Take a listen and then come back to leave your feedback, or request future topics.

UPDATED - October 21

A few articles to highlight the differences between Google and Apple:

Podcaster rejeceted because it duplicates iTunes functionality

Google Opens Up Android Codebase

Apple to iPhone Developers: Don’t Compete With Us?

Full Review of the T-Mobile G1 Android Device

Apple Censors App Store Rejection Notices

Apple Allows Lotus On iPhone (After Banning Competitor)

Why the Kill Switch Makes Sense for Android, and Not for iPhone

"bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong"

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wii: Play Dii Vii Dii's

WARNING! As of November 17, 2008, Nintendo has released version 3.4 of their System Software.
This release kills the Twilight Hack, and may possibly remove any unauthorized software.

Additionally Nintendo has revised their privacy policy granting themselves permission to install or unistall software on your Wii without your consent!

It is strongly suggested that you disconnect your Wii from the internet until a solution has been found.

The update is voluntary now, but clearly it won't be for long.

More information here:

Today we investigate tuning your Wii into a DVD player! Hard to believe, but its true!

First, you must have the Homebrew Channel
(aka HBC) installed on your Wii. If you don't, go back to my last post to find out how.

Now the easiest way to get the software you need is to install the Homebrew Browser. To use this option, you must have your Wii hooked up to a wireless network. Go to the main site CodeMii to download the latest version.

Using a card reader, extract the files to a directory in the "apps" folder of you SD card that you used in the setup of the Homebrew Channel. Now simply put the SD card back into the Wii. Now, go to the Homebrew Channel and the Homebrew Browser should be ready to launch. Here are the controls:

A Button = Click Button
B Button = Cancel Download
D Pad Left/Right = Change category
Minus/Plus Button = Previous or Next 6 homebrew applications
Home Button = Return to loader

All software that is downloaded in the Homebrew Browser is ready to go right away, and can be uninstalled via the Homebrew Browser as well.

Now, back to playing DVD's. Search through the applications under Utilities and download "DVDx Installer v1.0" and "MPlayer libdvd Edition".

Now return to the Homebrew Channel and run
"DVDx Installer v1.0". This installs required files on the Wii to read DVD's. Follow the installer's instructions based on if your Wii has had a MOD chip installed or not. Once the installer exits, you don't need to run "DVDx Installer v1.0" again, unless you wish to remove the installation. Simply deleting it through the Homebrew Browser does not uninstall the files it installed.

Now simply run the MPlayer program, and put a DVD in the slot.

See this page for a summary of controls.

Now get out there and watch some DVD's. Don't forget to explore the other software titles available via the Homebrew Channel.

"bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong"

Friday, August 15, 2008

Wii: Run Homebrew on Your Wii!

WARNING! As of November 17, 2008, Nintendo has released version 3.4 of their System Software.
This release kills the Twilight Hack, and may possibly remove any unauthorized software.

Additionally Nintendo has revised their privacy policy granting themselves permission to install or unistall software on your Wii without your consent!

It is strongly suggested that you disconnect your Wii from the internet until a solution has been found.

The update is voluntary now, but clearly it won't be for long.

More information here:

Well the Wii has finally succumbed to the hackers. It seems that a bug in one of the first games for it, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, has a bug in it that will allow someone to load their own custom software. This has come to be known as the Twilight Hack.

Normally you have to perform the Twilight Hack each time you want to run custom software (homebrew), but some enterprising programmers have written "The Homebrew" channel for the Wii, so that you can just launch stuff straight off of your SD without having to start Twilight Princess each time.

What the Twilight Hack is is a specially modified saved game file, in which the name of the horse is too long. This crashes the game, and causes the Wii to boot off the card.

You will need the following:

  1. A copy of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  2. An empty SD Card
  3. A Card Reader
  4. WinRAR to extract the files (download here)
  5. The Twilight Hack (download here)
  6. The Homebrew Channel (download here)

Now follow these steps:

  1. Unzip the Twilight Hack to the SD Card. You can delete the README file.
  2. In the private folder are three file paths: /private/wii/title/rzdp/data.bin, /private/wii/title/rzdj/data.bin, /private/wii/title/rzde/data.bin
  3. Keep one of the paths, and delete the others. If you are in Europe or Australia, keep /private/wii/title/rzdp/data.bin. If you are in Japan, keep /private/wii/title/rzdj/data.bin. If you are in Canada or the US, keep /private/wii/title/rzde/data.bin
  4. Extract the Homebrew Channel rar file to your desktop. In the resulting folder you will find a file named "boot.dol" copy this to the root of the SD card (the root of the card is the first level of files you see when you double click on its icon in "My Computer"). You can delete the folder from your desktop.
  5. Now, if you have a Zelda game in progress, save a copy to a different SD card as we will need to delete the copy on the Wii.
  6. Put your SD card with the Twilight Hack into the Wii.
  7. If you have never played the game before, then start the game and go through the process of starting a game. You don't have to actually play it, you can cancel during the opening cinematics.
  8. Now go into the saved game section of the Wii, and delete the Zelda save file.
  9. Now switch to the SD Card and copy the Twilight Hack to the Wii.
  10. Once complete, exit back to the main Channel screen.
  11. Start playing Zelda. You should see a saved game that has almost all the hearts. Select it. If you are in Canada/US there will be two saved games. Pick the first one, if it doesn't work then restart the game and try the other one.
  12. When the game starts, you will see a person. Walk up to him and talk to him, the game will proptly crash and you will see text on the screen.
  13. Follow all the instructions, and the Hombrew Channel installer will run, then the Wii will reset.
  14. When you get back to the channel screen, you will see The Homebrew Channel.
  15. To run homebrew, create a folder in the root of the SD Card titled "apps". You can now create seperate folders in the apps folder for each piece of software. To find Wii software, go to the Wiibrew Wiki.
If you've saved the software correctly, just run the Homebrew Channel as you would any other channel, you will then get a list of programs that are on the SD Card. Click on the program to run it.

Once the Homebrew Channel is installed, you can delete the Twilight Hack from your Wii, and either copy your saved game back, or start a new Zelda game.

In a future post, I will introduce you to several interesting pieces of software, including a Super Nintendo Emulator!!!!

Until next time, get a Wii and keep having fun!

"bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong"

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Building Your Own Hammock

Ahhhhh! Swaying gracefully in the breeze on your own rope hammock. It's a relaxing picture isn't it? Heck, the Skipper and Gilligan slept in them every day for the 16 years that they were stuck on that island.

But look on the internet, and a good-quality rope hammock will run you over $200! Plus shipping and handling!

But right here, right now, I've resurrected a set of hammock making instructions from my now-defunct first website.

It is a scan from the book "Hammock: How to Make Your Own and Lie in It" by Denison Andrews. It was first published in 1978 and is since out of print. So here is a scan of the chapter "The Twin Oaks Hammock" it works great, I've built two of them myself.

One of these days I'll track down a full copy of the book again, and get the missing pages. Until then, here is the chapter in PDF and MS Word formats.

I truly swear that it is as comfortable and fun as it looks on Gilligan's Island!

"bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong"

Monday, July 28, 2008

Extract Audio from Video

Did you ever watch a YouTube video and think "I wish I could download that song"?

Well now you can. In fact, if you can download the video, chances are you can get the song from it.

First, you need the audio extraction software.

Go to AOA Media and download AoA Audio Extractor, it's freeware, so you don't have to pay for it. If any other software catches your eye, by all means purchase it. In the meantime we will move on.

Install "AoA Audio Extractor".

The software will convert AVI, MPEG, MPG, DAT, FLV (Flash Video), WMV/ASF, MOV, MP4, 3GP to MP3, WAV, and AC3.

Now get your video. If it is from YouTube, go HERE to download it. Copy the exact address of the YouTube video you want the audio from, and paste it into the box and hit "Get Video". The video will download as "get_video". You should add ".flv" to the end before saving.

Then run AoA Audio Extractor to extract the audio.

Voila! Done!

Further audio editing can be achieved with Audacity.

Here are a few jingles I was able to capture from YouTube, as an example.

Mini-Wheats Vanilla Commercial
Mini-Wheats Strawberry Commercial
Mini-Wheats Cinnamon Commercial

"bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong"

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Press Release: Soundwave Joins Cast of "T & M's Voices"!

For Immediate Release:

This week marks the announcement that Soundwave has joined the cast of "T & M's Voices" radio show as a fill-in co-host, while long-time beloved co-host Tit-o is off on assignment.

While Episode 8 served as an introduction to the popular blogger for the show's loyal listeners, the upcoming episodes will get back to the business of producing high quality, entertaining, and thought provoking internet radio episodes.

Soundwave brings his knowledge of cutting-edge recording technology with him to a show that is renown across the internet for its high calibre interviews with world leaders.

"We are really glad to bring Soundwave on board during this slow time, while Tit-o is out of the studio for an unknown amount of time," co-host Magnum was quoted as saying, "We are excited to bring a new element to the Show. We have already begun experimenting with new recording techniques that were just not possible a short while ago. We will be breaking new ground on many fronts in the upcoming months."

Soundwave also shares the show's excitement and optimistic outlook for the show in the following months.

"This will be a new challenge for me. Writing a blog is pretty simple when you get multiple chances to review what you've written, but on a radio show you've only got one shot. Once something's said, its out there... you can't deny it or take it back. We are going to do some big things, just get ready!"

Fans of both sites can catch Soundwave's premier episode on the show right now, just follow the link:

Season 3, Episode 8: Inside Mission Control

"T & M's Voices" is a production of the CSAL Radio Podcast Network, a subsidiary of ShureShot Media Inc.

"Don't Cross the Streams" is an independent blog published regularly on a monthly basis.

"Bringing you the Truth, with talent on loan from God" copyright ©2006, Shureshot Media Inc.

"bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong"

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Make Your Pictures POP!

I have been working very hard to bring you the coolest web technologies to help bring some pizazz to your websites. I try to beta test code on this site, and then bring a tutorial to you on how to make it work.

Today I bring you the coolest javascript code that I have seen in a long time, HIGHSLIDE.

For a full description of what HIGHSLIDE can do, visit the site at the hotlink above. Here is but a taste of what this amazing script can do. Below is an array of images. Click on one, it should blow up over the site (if it takes you to a new page to view the image, then you are being blocked from my repository). You should also be able to click and drag the pictures around. Now press the left and right arrow keys, you should be progressing through the images. Now click on several images, they should all expand. Click on the expanded images to shrink them back.

How do you implement this awesome code into your own site? Well follow the instructions below.

1) Get a content repository.

You need a file host that will allow you to create folders and subfolders that are referenced in the file's URL's. Googlepages will not work. The javascript files assume everything is in a given hierarchy and you need to create folders. I use and so far it is working out very well.

2) Download the latest HIGHSLIDE files.

Get the latest HIGHSLIDE files and save them to the desktop and extract them with winzip. This will give you a folder with several subfolders and files. The HTML files and Flash.swf are part of the examples and can be deleted if you want to, or you can double click on index.html for demos. All you need to keep is the highslide folder and the subfolders and files.

3) Upload the folders and files to the repository

Create a highslide folder in the root of the repository and keep the folder structure the same as it appears in the desktop folder.

4) Paste the following code into your page

Paste this code in the <head></head> section of your site. For Blogger, I have had the most success putting it immediately after the <head> tag.

    1 ) Reference to the file containing the javascript.
    This file must be located on your server.

<script src='<url to your repository>/highslide/highslide.js' type='text/javascript'/>

    2) Optionally override the settings defined at the top
    of the highslide.js file. The parameter hs.graphicsDir is important!

<script type='text/javascript'>    
    hs.graphicsDir = '<url to your repository>/highslide/graphics/'
    hs.allowSizeReduction = false;

    3) These CSS-styles are necessary for the script to work. You may also put
    them in an external CSS-file. See the webpage for documentation.

<style type='text/css'>
* {
    font-family: Verdana, Helvetica;
    font-size: 10pt;
.highslide {
cursor: url(<url to your repository>/highslide/graphics/zoomin.cur), pointer;
    outline: none;
.highslide-active-anchor img {
visibility: hidden;
.highslide img {
border: 2px solid gray;
.highslide:hover img {
border: 2px solid silver;

.highslide-wrapper {
background: white;
.highslide-image {
    border-bottom: 1px solid white;
.highslide-image-blur {
.highslide-caption {
    display: none;
    border-bottom: 1px solid white;
    font-family: Verdana, Helvetica;
    font-size: 10pt;
    padding: 5px;
    background-color: silver;
.highslide-loading {
    display: block;
color: black;
font-size: 8pt;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
    text-decoration: none;
padding: 2px;
border: 1px solid black;
    background-color: white;
    padding-left: 22px;
    background-image: url(<url to your repository>/highslide/graphics/loader.white.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 3px 1px;

a.highslide-credits i {
    padding: 2px;
    color: silver;
    text-decoration: none;
font-size: 10px;
a.highslide-credits:hover i {
    color: white;
    background-color: gray;
a.highslide-full-expand {
background: url(<url to your repository>/highslide/graphics/fullexpand.gif) no-repeat;
display: block;
margin: 0 10px 10px 0;
width: 34px;
height: 34px;

/* These must always be last */
.highslide-display-block {
    display: block;
.highslide-display-none {
    display: none;

Replace the with the actual URL to your repository.

5) Add your images

Add your images with the following code:

<a href="large-image.jpg" class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this)">
    <img src="thumbnail.jpg" alt="Highslide JS"
        title="Click to enlarge" height="100" width="100" />

And Voila! your images should be ready to jump out of the page!

If you review the example pages and the website, it will help you to develop other cool things that you can do with this code!

So, if you have a particularly cool implementation on HIGHSLIDE that you want to show off to the world, post a comment to this article with your URL so other Stream Crossers can enjoy your site as well.

Until next time, this is Soundwave signing off!

"bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong"